Reference p5.Font


A class to describe fonts.






pointer to p5 instance.



The font's underlying opentype.js font object.



Returns the bounding box for a string of text written using the font.

The bounding box is the smallest rectangle that can contain a string of text. font.textBounds() returns an object with the bounding box's location and size. For example, calling font.textBounds('p5*js', 5, 20) returns an object in the format { x: 5.7, y: 12.1 , w: 9.9, h: 28.6 }. The x and y properties are always the coordinates of the bounding box's top-left corner.

The first parameter, str, is a string of text. The second and third parameters, x and y, are the text's position. By default, they set the coordinates of the bounding box's bottom-left corner. See textAlign() for more ways to align text.

The fourth parameter, fontSize, is optional. It sets the font size used to determine the bounding box. By default, font.textBounds() will use the current textSize().


Returns an array of points outlining a string of text written using the font.

Each point object in the array has three properties that describe the point's location and orientation, called its path angle. For example, { x: 10, y: 20, alpha: 450 }.

The first parameter, str, is a string of text. The second and third parameters, x and y, are the text's position. By default, they set the coordinates of the bounding box's bottom-left corner. See textAlign() for more ways to align text.

The fourth parameter, fontSize, is optional. It sets the text's font size. By default, font.textToPoints() will use the current textSize().

The fifth parameter, options, is also optional. font.textToPoints() expects an object with the following properties:

sampleFactor is the ratio of the text's path length to the number of samples. It defaults to 0.1. Higher values produce more points along the path and are more precise.

simplifyThreshold removes collinear points if it's set to a number other than 0. The value represents the threshold angle to use when determining whether two edges are collinear.

Notice any errors or typos? Please let us know. Please feel free to edit src/typography/p5.Font.js and open a pull request!

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