A MonoSynth is used as a single voice for sound synthesis. This is a class to be used in conjunction with the PolySynth class. Custom synthetisers should be built inheriting from this class.
Play tells the MonoSynth to start playing a note. This method schedules the calling of .triggerAttack and .triggerRelease.
Trigger the Attack, and Decay portion of the Envelope. Similar to holding down a key on a piano, but it will hold the sustain level until you let go.
Trigger the release of the Envelope. This is similar to releasing the key on a piano and letting the sound fade according to the release level and release time.
Set values like a traditional ADSR envelope .
MonoSynth amp
Connect to a p5.sound / Web Audio object.
Disconnect all outputs
Get rid of the MonoSynth and free up its resources / memory.